WC-0871, Atoka Pipeline, 66-Inch Raw Water Transmission Main from Atoka to Coalgate, Oklahoma
WC-0871, Atoka Pipeline, 66-Inch Raw Water Transmission Main from Atoka to Coalgate, Oklahoma (Existing Conditions) Oklahoma City, Oklahoma |
University of Oklahoma
Municipal Engineering
2,673-LF of 16-in.
ductile iron pipe
382-LF of 20-in.
ductile iron pipe
25-LF of 20-in. steel pipe
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Municipal Engineering
Replacing a 60-Inch PCCP Pipeline with a 66-Inch Raw Water Transmission Line
13.9-Mile Segment
The local engineering firm of Cabbiness Engineering (CE) teamed with the national pipeline design experts of Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam (LAN) and other local Oklahoma firms to develop a comprehensive design team specifically focused on designing the new Atoka Pipeline. The design team’s efforts were successful in being selected as one of eight consultants to be awarded a design segment of the new Atoka Pipeline. The CE/LAN Team’s segment will be Project WC-0871: Atoka Pipeline 66-inch Raw Water Transmission Line from Pump Station O to Coalgate, Oklahoma.
The new 66-inch diameter parallel pipeline as recommended by the Systems Engineer’s September 2014 Report is proposed to provide the necessary additional raw water volume to meet the City’s 2035 demands. Another future 66-inch diameter parallel pipeline is planned for operation by 2040 and ultimately replacement of the existing 60” PCCP pipeline by 2055. This project’s design will need to comply with CDM’s pending design manual and normal permitting policies and procedures of the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT), and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ).