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Jimmie Austin Turf Care & Research Facility

at the University of Oklahoma


Site Design


University of Oklahoma


Municipal Engineering


2,673-LF of 16-in.

ductile iron pipe


382-LF of 20-in.

ductile iron pipe


25-LF of 20-in. steel pipe


University of Oklahoma


Civil Site Design


72,000-SF Combined Office Building

In 2013, Cabbiness Engineering was responsible for all of the civil engineering aspects for the new 72,000-SF Jimmie Austin Turf Care and Research Facility located on the University of Oklahoma’s golf course. The project scope included the design of a new parking lot with thirty (30) spaces, four buildings, wash bay, sand and dirt bins, and a depressed dumpster enclosure. The most challenging aspect of the project was site grading as more than twenty feet of elevation difference exists across the site. The golf course, an electrical substation, and an adjacent property limited the extents to which grading could occur. The selective use of retaining walls allowed the necessary site features to be incorporated into the project and let the natural topography allow for storm water to sheet flow across the site. New utility services for domestic water, sanitary sewer, natural gas, electrical and communications were all routed to the new maintenance facility, concession building, and fertilizer storage facility.

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