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Lake Ponca Restroom and Sanitary Sewer Lift Station


Municipal Engineering


University of Oklahoma


Municipal Engineering


2,673-LF of 16-in.

ductile iron pipe


382-LF of 20-in.

ductile iron pipe


25-LF of 20-in. steel pipe


Ponca City, Oklahoma


Municipal Engineering

The Ponca City Parks and Recreation Department contracted with Cabbiness Engineering to prepare a preliminary engineering report that investigated sewage disposal design concepts for a new playground restroom facility adjacent to West Lake Ponca.

There were three (3) different design concepts that were investigated for this project:

  1. A septic tank system with lateral lines to an absorption field (typically termed as an Evapotranspiration Absorption System or ET/A System);

  2. A mechanical aerobic system that would utilize an irrigation spray application system to disperse the disinfected and treated waste water; or

  3. A small, packaged sewer lift station.


Based upon our team's preliminary investigation, the following conclusion was reached: Acceptance of Design Concept #2 because the Packaged Grinder Pump Lift Station had a lower estimated capital construction cost than the other two designs investigated. However, while the monthly and long term maintenance costs were far more expensive than the gravity systems, the risk to the public’s health was much smaller and could be better controlled.

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