OTA C-MC-26, New Maintenance/OHP Building
Near the Cimarron Turnpike
University of Oklahoma
Municipal Engineering
2,673-LF of 16-in.
ductile iron pipe
382-LF of 20-in.
ductile iron pipe
25-LF of 20-in. steel pipe
Oklahoma Turnpike Authority
Civil Site Design
6,200-SF Combined Office Building
The design team of Cabbiness Engineering, LLC and DAP was selected by OTA to prepare construction documents for replacing the existing OTA Maintenance/ OHP Office Building on the Cimarron Turnpike with a new facility. Inclusive with the proposed site improvements, the OTA requested improving access to the turnpike mainline from the site to improve safety for not only the OTA and OHP staff, but also the turnpike patrons.
A new 6,200-SF combined office building is proposed as a shared facility for both the OTA maintenance staff and OHP staff. The building features additional office space for staff, new and enlarged restroom facilities, more storage space, a large conference room and a shared break room that doubles as a safe room. The proposed building also includes covered parking on each end of the building. Site grading, paving and utilities will be required to support the proposed building improvements.
Along with the new building and site improvements, 3 access ramp options were investigated to improve maintenance and OHP vehicle access to the eastbound (south) turnpike mainline. Access to the westbound (north) turnpike will remain the same driveway access that is currently utilized. The existing median crossover at the existing driveway location will be eliminated. It should also be noted, access will only be for OTA and OHP personnel and will be controlled by automated security gates. Public access to the Cimarron Turnpike will not be allowed from the proposed ramps.