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7th Street & Highland Avenue Intersection Improvements


State Transportation


University of Oklahoma


Municipal Engineering


2,673-LF of 16-in.

ductile iron pipe


382-LF of 20-in.

ductile iron pipe


25-LF of 20-in. steel pipe


Ponca City, Oklahoma


State Transportation

Municipal Engineering



8,945-SY of Concrete Pavement

340-LF of Concrete Retaining Wall

1,139-SY of concrete Sidewalk

New 5-Leg Traffic Signal and Pedestrian Traffic System

Ponca City contracted with Cabbiness Engineering to redesign the highly congested intersection of 7th Street and Highland Avenue in Ponca City.

This project’s design incorporated the roadway widening and reconstruction of a fully signalized, five (5) legged intersection. The odd configuration was due to historic neighborhood streets that could not be re-aligned. The design included utility relocations of an 18-inch water main, overhead electric distribution lines, natural gas lines, and telephone and fiber optic communication lines. The city owned sanitary sewer line was left in place but protected during construction. To further complicate the design and construction, the intersection was located adjacent to an elementary school and on a main route to the city’s high school. Thus, the project had to be designed as such to allow construction to begin the day after school was dismissed for summer break and construction completed before the beginning of fall semester. We were successful on both accounts and as a bonus, the project came in under the city’s budget. This project is a great example of how the Cabbiness Engineering team works with owners, stakeholders, construction crews, and other project-related groups to provide the best possible end result.

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